News and Updates

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News and Updates

Stay up-to-date with EveryLibrary's work.

EveryLibrary Intern – Libraries and Political Action

EveryLibrary is pleased to welcome Mallory Arents as our first Hack Library School Intern this summer!

EveryLibrary Backs Community Members for Ronan District Library

EveryLibrary today announces that we are backing the work of Ronan, Montana's ballot issue committee "Community Members for Ronan Library District" as they campaign for a May 7th, 2013 library election.

They Voted No in Shorewood-Troy

We are sorry to announce that the residents of Shorewood-Troy will not be getting a new library this year.

Filling the Advocacy Gap - New Column in Library Journal

We're very happy to start a bimonthly "Advocates' Corner" column for Library Journal.

EveryLibrary Urges Passage of SCA7 in California

EveryLibrary's mission is to help library communities win at the ballot box.

Interview with Library Juice Press

This interview was originally published on the Library Juice Blog, a part of Library Juice Press.  

Publishers Weekly Coverage of EveryLibrary at SxSWi 2013

It was great to meet Calvin Reed from Publishers Weekly during South by Southwest Interactive (SxSWi) last week in Austin, TX.  

Awesome Little Library Boxes at SxSWI

#1 - find a pedicab at SxSWi branded for Oreo cookies.#2 - turn on your wifi and download free e-books from a LibraryBox.#3 - take a book / leave a book.  Old school.#4 - talk about the Awesome Little Library you visited at your next session, party, or hangout.Free ebooks over wifi and good old regular books from a lending library.

A Letter from Spokane

We received a wonderful letter from Pat Partovi, Spokane Library's director, about EveryLibrary's support for Prop 3 which passed on February 13th with 66% of the vote.

SxSWi Brunch: Your Company, Their Goals, and Libraries

We’d like to invite you and a few other VC folks to brunch on either Saturday or Sunday during SxSWi to talk about Libraries and the companies you are incubating, accelerating, or taking to market.