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Lib Politics Rodeo December 9th, 2013

Welcome to the Lib Politics Rodeo.

Lib Politics Rodeo December 2nd, 2013

Welcome to the Lib Politics Rodeo.

Lafourche Voted No, and it was Good

The results are in and the anti-library measure in Lafourche was defeated with 53% voting NO.  The library community is Lafourche has been through a tough campaign.

Lafourche Voted NO, and It Was Good

The results are in and the anti-library measure in Lafourche was defeated with 53% voting NO.  Congratulations to Lafourche Parish.

2013 Library Elections “First Look”

For many public libraries in the United States, Election Day 2013 was the single biggest fundraising day for a generation.

Answering the Call for Lafourche

Yesterday started out quietly. And then this happened: Official wants to de-fund library, users should 'go back to Mexico'

The Worst Library Election in the Country is This Saturday

The Lafourche Louisiana Parish Public Library is facing the most offensive opposition I’ve ever seen in a library election:

The Worst Library Election in the Country is This Saturday

The Lafourche Louisiana Parish Public Library is facing the most offensive opposition I’ve ever seen in a library election.

2013 Library Elections “Deep Dive”

At EveryLibrary, we think it is important to examine all library ballot measures, even the ones we are not directly involved in.

Henry Rollins Supports Libraries and EveryLibrary

Modern libraries are becoming more important than ever.