News and Updates

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News and Updates

Stay up-to-date with EveryLibrary's work.

Our 2014 Election Analysis for Library Journal

We've done some heavy analysis of the 2014 library elections for Library Journal this year.

Better your librarian self during storm Juno

For those of you stuck inside today, here are some of the things we have been reading and working on the past few months...

5 Tips for a Successful Info-only Campaign

#1 Talk about your Plan B What happens if the measure fails? The public needs to know and, if you show them an honest Plan B, can decide between it and Plan A (what happens if it passes) as informed voters.

EveryLibrary at Midwinter 2015

Our board members will be out and about the entire conference.

Announcing VoteLibraries

Our job is to help library campaigns communicate better with voters. One problem is that the visual images, the 'creative deck' for library campaigns to use on social media, in print, and on yard signs are kind of uneven. What's available on the open web is OK....

Announcing “Vote Libraries”

Note: Date Posted: January 20, 2015Our job is to help library campaigns communicate better with voters. One problem is that  the visual images, the 'creative deck' for library campaigns to use on on social media, in print and on yard signs, is kind of uneven. What's available on the open web is OK....

Board Agenda – Annual Meeting 2015 at ALAMW15

EveryLibrary Annual MeetingBoard AgendaFriday, January 30th from 12n - 2pm CSTConcurrent with ALA Midwinter 2015 South Water Kitchen225 N. Wabash Ave.Chicago, IL 60602

Kentucky Contingencies

The Tea Party of Northern Kentucky case against two libraries is set to be ruled on by the state Appeals court any day now.  This appeal follows a loss by the libraries in the lower state court.

5 Lessons for Library Vote YES Campaigns (aka Lib Politics Rodeo)

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2014 Annual Report

EveryLibrary was founded on the belief that “Any library ballot measure anywhere matters to every library everywhere”. We took a calculated risk setting up EveryLibrary as a Political Action Committee (PAC) rather than as a charity, a non-profit, or a membership association.