National Eship Week 2021 - Libraries as Entrepreneurship Engines

Join EveryLibrary for great e-ship webinars throughout the week and take the Buy Local Policy Pledge to build the local economy.

Libraries support entrepreneurs, ideation, small businesses, and side gigs every day in communities across the country. EveryLibrary is proud to be the lead library organization coordinating and promoting National Entrepreneurship Week 2021 this February 13 - 20. 

EveryLibrary is proud to be a member of the national coordinating committee for National Entrepreneurship Week 2021, the Congressionally-chartered celebration of entrepreneurship across the country. This year, EveryLibrary is focusing on how public library leaders can respond to COVID-related economic hardships and dislocations in two important ways: by engaging entrepreneurs in their success and by investing directly in local businesses through library purchasing policies. 

During National E-Ship Week 2021, we want to support libraries as you support entrepreneurs. Join us from Monday, February 15 thru Friday, February 19 at 11:00 am CST each day for informative and actionable webinars from expert presenters focused on creating or expanding library services, programs, collections, and resources to support emerging entrepreneurs in your community. Please RSVP below to receive your link to the live events. 

National E-Ship Week in Libraries 2021 is sponsored and supported by Humble Bundle and Wiley. Check out 19 excellent e-ship focused ebook titles in the exciting "Become an Entrepreneur" pay-what-you-want bundle from Wiley like “The Food Truck Handbook, The Art of Startup Fundraising, Starting a Tech Business: A Practical Guide, and Home-Based Business for Dummies”.  Proceeds from this Bundle support our companion organization the EveryLibrary Institute in its mission to secure and expand the future of library funding. 

National Entrepreneurship Week in Libraries - Five Free Webinars for Library Leaders

Libraries as a Partner in the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
Mon the 15th @ 11AM CST with Mel Lambert, Director of Adult & Community Services at Kirkwood Public Library
Learn how libraries are the ultimate partner in the entrepreneurial ecosystem, how your library can talk to entrepreneurial support organizations and city officials, and what we've learned in Covid about marketing and programs.  

New Tools of the Trade: Using Library Resources for Side Gigs and Job Hunters
Tues the 16th @ 11AM CST with Paul Steensland,  Librarian at St. Louis County Library
Learn how to use public library resources you already have to assist and enhance workforce development and eship services.

Libraries and Nonprofit Startups: An Easy Lift
Wed the 17th @ 11AM CST with Zachary Huber, Specialist Librarian at Toledo Lucas County Public Library
Public Libraries of any size can leverage their collections, databases, and public resources to help nonprofit agencies.

Setting up an Entrepreneur-Mentorship Program at Your Library
Thu the 18th @ 11am CST with Hadiza Sa-Aadu - Small Business Engagement Specialist, Kansas City Public Library, Daniel Smith - Co-Founder and Principal, The Porter House KC, Gabe Muñoz - ESHIP Kansas City Local Director, Morgan Perry - Business Outreach Specialist, Mid-Continent Public Library
Learn about ways to strengthen existing business mentorship networks and provide culturally responsive mentorship through strategic collaborations. 
RSVP at  

Developing a Library Makerspace and Coworking Center
Fri the 19th @ 11am CST with Marlon Moore, Library Media Project Coordinator, Miami-Dade Public Library System
Find out more about how to develop spaces that provide access to creative tools, technology and places for entrepreneurs and patrons to grow from the Miami-Dade Public Library System, which will also share lessons learned in designing two innovative makerspaces and a Coworking Center.



Your library can do more than train and support entrepreneurs with your programs. Your library is a potential economic partner for local businesses and start-ups - but only if your policies are aligned properly with your values. Nationally, libraries purchase over $2 billion in products, goods and services, supplies. The choices about who you buy from and where a business is located matter a great deal. If you are buying products from online or big-box retailers or suppliers that could be bought locally in your neighborhood, town, or area, the current COVID-crisis should encourage you to reconsider your sourcing. For National E-Ship Week 2021, EveryLibrary is launching a Buy Local 'Policy Pledge' for Libraries to encourage everyone to consider the local option for your official purchasing policies. Join us in reviewing your policies and taking the pledge. This year, your library can not only help an entrepreneur get their idea started, but you can also be their first customer or client.  

Literacy services are a core component of public libraries, and a new report published by the EveryLibrary Institute called “Building Literacy Skills Leads to Economic Growth: The Case for Investing in Libraries to Grow the Economy” by Barbara Alvarez explores the connections between literacy, educational attainment, and economic growth in communities and regions while framing the unique, powerful role that libraries can play - if properly funded. The report is available at EveryLibraryInstitute as a free download

Please join us on social media this Wednesday, February 17th from 1pm to 1:30pm EST on Twitter for the #NatlEshipWeek tweet storm. Tag your tweets with #NaltEshipWeek to share about the important work you do every day to help people bring their business ideas to life. Libraries are anchor institutions and librarians are co-creators of economic development and individual prosperity. The e-ship community is looking for ways to connect with you. Be a part of the tweetstorm on 2/17 to spread the word about your work.