Take the Pledge Colorado to Vote Yes on Amendment 73 for School Libraries
Please join EveryLibrary, the Colorado Association of Libraries and the Colorado Association of School Librarians in taking the Pledge to Vote YES on Amendment 73 this November.
Amendment 73 is a statewide fix to school library funding in Colorado that will help do three big things, if it passes: 1) establish new equity between schools and districts; 2) create for better student outcomes at all ages and abilities; and, 3) position school librarians and school library programs for better funding in the future. CAL and CASL are supporting Amendment 73 because the funding formula for schools in Colorado needs to be fixed, and without that fix school libraries programs will continue to suffer.
Take the Pledge to Vote YES for Amendment 73 in Colorado this November
Like Becky Russell, co-president of CASL says, “Without exemplary library staff in the school library, students lose out on equitable opportunities such as access to high-quality and current reading materials. Students in today’s society need opportunities to thrive in areas such as digital literacy, digital etiquette, technology literacy, and critical thinking. A school librarian adds another layer in helping students and communities thrive today and in the future.” Please join CASL, CAL, and EveryLibrary in pledging to vote YES on Amendment 73 to help make this happen.
CAL and CASL are endorsing and supporting this statewide effort in a significant way. EveryLibrary is supporting their efforts by hosting its statewide outreach to the public about Amendment 73. It is these kinds of state library association partnerships we are most proud of, and EveryLibrary is fortunate to have people like you – people who care about libraries in schools, communities, and on campuses – ready to act on Election Day and share important information across the state.
Please take the next step, Colorado, and support new school funding and school libraries this November. Find out more and Pledge to Vote YES on Amendment 73.