SxSWi Brunch: Your Company, Their Goals, and Libraries
We’d like to invite you and a few other VC folks to brunch on either Saturday or Sunday during SxSWi to talk about Libraries and the companies you are incubating, accelerating, or taking to market.
We’d like to invite you and a few other VC folks to brunch on either Saturday or Sunday during SxSWi to talk about Libraries and the companies you are incubating, accelerating, or taking to market.
Each of your companies needs access to early adopters, market disruptors, legitimizers, and brand ambassadors as much as they need your capital and technical support. Libraries are a unique entre to both emerging and established markets. Librarians are the original idea-connectors in local communities.
Over brunch, I’m going to talk about how libraries are staffed by early adopters, are iron-clad in their reputation as recommenders and referrers, train late cycle adopters in new tech, gear, and gadgets while synchronously and asynchronously connecting communities with ideas, services, and resources. Libraries are 15,000 geographically diverse locations for at which your companies can demo products, convene discussions, and connect fans to fans. We’ll talk about how libraries are both beta sites and last-mile solutions for your companies. I’d like to connect you with the librarians who make it happen every day in their communities.
It may be an eye opener for you, especially if you don’t use libraries yourself. Come to brunch at 10am either Saturday 3/9 or Sunday 3/10 to gain a competitive advantage from libraries. Let me know which morning is best ([email protected]) and I’ll send you the details.
All the best,
John Chrastka
Executive Director