Show Solidarity With All Americans With These ‘All Are Welcome’ Buttons
One of the best things about our nation’s 9,000 library systems is that there are no exclusionary rules and everyone is welcome.
One of the best things about our nation’s 9,000 library systems is that there are no exclusionary rules and everyone is welcome.
Millions of people from different places and of all ages, sexes, races, religions, preferences, and socio-economic backgrounds come through those doors every day. As a country, we are fortunate that libraries are supported in red counties and blue cities, and across all different political perspectives. That's why we truly believe that libraries are the most democratic and patriotic institutions in our society and now you can stand with libraries with these All Are Welcome Buttons.
A group of librarians from Oregon are selling these buttons in packs of 5, 10, or 20 on Etsy. We are proud that they chose to donate 100% of the proceeds directly to EveryLibrary.
Please join EveryLibrary this week in sharing a welcoming message about libraries. An anonymous Oregon-based artist has created a lovely “All Are Welcome” pin and is sharing with library advocates and activists. We’d like to see people around the country proudly wearing this pin. We’d love to see library staff at your library wearing it, too. “All Are Welcome” is already in the hearts and the job descriptions of library staff across America. These pins are available for purchase in packs of 5, 10 or 20. Wear one yourself, give them out to your friends, and bring your extras to your local library. Proceeds support EveryLibrary’s mission of building voter support for libraries.
In a country that is becoming more exclusionary, we run the risk of excluding members of our society who, given the opportunity to learn and grow, would be the ones who ensure that America is a successful country. The pins share a vital message about our libraries and our country. Please join us in showing our solidarity with libraries and librarians - and welcome all Americans - by wearing one of these “All Are Welcome” pins. If we are to remain a truly great country, we must be a great country together.