SaveIMLS California Launches

Cuts proposed in President Trump’s 2018 budget would have devastating effects on libraries in California according to state library officials and analysts.


Institute for Museum and Library Services poised to be de-funded; state libraries would lose $15.3 million in library funding

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Cuts proposed in President Trump’s 2018 budget would have devastating effects on libraries in California according to state library officials and analysts.  The proposed budget, unveiled by the Trump administration in March, would eliminate funding for the federal Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), which provides funding to state libraries.  California currently receives $15.3 million in funding per year from IMLS which supports the state library and local library programs across the state.  

Libraries in California are drivers of economic success and hubs of entrepreneurship and invention. They:

  • promote literacy at all ages
  • enable measurable improvements in student achievement
  • provide job retraining and job search services
  • act as safe and welcoming community centers in neighborhoods across the US
  • connect people with the information and services they need to succeed in life
  • provide access to technology and to free resources and services for our most vulnerable and underserved residents, including veterans, people experiencing homelessness, children, and the elderly.

California State Librarian Greg Lucas said "For public libraries, federal funds pay for literacy efforts, lunches for poor kids during the summer. . . . promote adult and early-childhood literacy, provide mental-health training for librarians, offer summer reading programs for kids and adults,” among a list of other programs.

EveryLibrary and the California Library Association encourage everyone in the state to take action now in support of "Full funding for IMLS". You can contact your members of Congress quickly and easily to send a message at now. We are asking for your help to oppose these unnecessary and harmful cuts to California library services. Please take action today. Help preserve federal funding that supports innovative libraries, programs for returning veterans, and summer reading for all our kids. 

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