Oppose NH HB324 - Another Attempt to Criminalize School Libraries and Reading in New Hampshire

The legislation is the third attempt by the legislature in as many sessions to criminalize schools and particularly school libraries.

EveryLibrary stands firmly in opposition to HB 324 (2025), another attempt by regressive politicians in New Hampshire to criminalize K-12 and target school libraries for state-sponsored censorship.


Send an email to your State Legislator to stand against this Bill.

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This bill is a dangerous kind of overreach into the operations of schools in towns across the state. It undermines both the quality of education, the rights of families, and the local decision-making authority of school boards. 

We are urging library stakeholders, parents, free speech advocates, and everyone worried about government overreach to send a message to your state Representative that you oppose HB324. 



HB324 would allow the following:

  • The prosecution of K-12 educators
  • Removing decision-making from local school boards 
  • Redefine the phrase “harmful materials” relative to educational materials 


The legislation is the third attempt by the legislature in as many sessions to criminalize schools, particularly school libraries, by removing protections against wrongful prosecution and limiting it to only colleges and universities.

HB324 isn’t only about school libraries. The criminalization provisions extend to everyone who teaches and all school board members, too. Art teachers, English teachers, and health teachers could be also prosecuted for the books in their classrooms.  

HB 324’s provisions to prohibit so-called "harmful materials" impose rigid, overly broad definitions that fail to reflect the complex realities of education and artistic expression. The bill creates a chilling effect on educators and librarians and risks limiting students’ access to diverse and enriching materials necessary for their academic and personal growth.

Including enforcement mechanisms that invite civil actions and disciplinary measures against educators sets a troubling precedent, fostering fear over fostering learning.

We believe in the power of locally elected school boards and librarians to make informed decisions about educational materials that meet the unique needs of their communities. Take action today and send a message to your state Representative that you oppose HB 324.

The General Court needs to reject this harmful legislation once and for all.