Nebraska Libraries Need Us – Donate to Defeat LB969

The Government Affairs committee of the Nebraska State Legislature met last Monday for a public hearing to consider LB969, a bill whose title we suggest should be “A Bill to Eviscerate Public Library Boards, Devolve Authority for Collection Development From Librarians to Politically Appointed Commissions, and for Other Provisions of Patronage and Playing Politics with Libraries”.

The Government Affairs committee of the Nebraska State Legislature met last Monday for a public hearing to consider LB969, a bill whose title we suggest should be “A Bill to Eviscerate Public Library Boards, Devolve Authority for Collection Development From Librarians to Politically Appointed Commissions, and for Other Provisions of Patronage and Playing Politics with Libraries”.


It wouldn't be a good acronym, and won't be good for the people of Nebraska. This bill needs a “NO” vote. It should die in committee and never come before the whole Senate.

Please donate today so we can reach more people in Nebraska about this anti-library bill. With nearly 1,000 signatures on our #noLB969 petition, we have made a good start. As little as $5 a month - starting today - lets us reach more Nebraskans tomorrow. 

The fight for the future of libraries in Nebraska is real. LB969 isn’t a bill that a few friendly amendments would fix if it passes. It needs to be defeated. And if it comes to the floor of the state Senate there needs to be public outcry. We’re ready to get the word out to the residents of Nebraska so that can happen. But we need your support to educate and activate the public against LB969 and in defense of their libraries.


We are asking you to donate now to help us build a social media war chest to fight this bill. Your donations are tagged and will be used for paid social media outreach and engagement to the public. Please donate $50 today or $5 a month.

If you can't make a donation today, please sign and share our #noLB969 petition