Louisiana Library Association Commends EveryLibrary for Its Support
I am proud to share that the Louisiana Library Association board of directors presented EveryLibrary with a commendation, thanking us for our partnership and work supporting their libraries during their 2023 Annual Conference in Baton Rouge this week. It was a touching moment for me, and I am proud of our work.
EveryLibrary has been working with library supporters in Louisiana for a while.
When the Attorney General issued his anti-library report, we worked with the Louisiana Library Association board on their response, “Setting the Record Straight”, along with media outreach to make sure it was seen widely.
We worked closely with LLA leadership to craft policy responses to SB7 and HB25, stood up the direct action site to activate the public, and worked on preparing witnesses to testify against the bills.
Read the Offical LLA Commendation here (PDF).
We also spent thousands of dollars on targeted political ads, utilized the nation's only voter file of library-identified supporters, and used our extensive social media reach of over one million Americans per week to raise awareness about this issue in order to engage supporters to take action.
Throughout those legislative fights, EveryLibrary has been on the ground supporting several local Library “Alliances” as they campaign to safeguard their First Amendment rights.
We’re proud to support the Rapides Parish Library Alliance, the Livingston Parish Library Alliance, and the St. Tammany Library Alliance with direct and indirect funding, sophisticated websites, digital political tools and data, and pro-bono consulting.
Whether it is on Fight for the First or a stand-alone digital campaign site, we are helping local activists get organized and be more effective in their campaigns.
Launch a local campaign against book bans on Fightforthefirst.org and we'll provide pro-bono support every step of the way.
I’m especially proud of the fundraising for St. Tammany Parish's campaigns on fundlibraries.org. We were able to raise over $7,000 to replace a pro-LGBTQ billboard after it was vandalized during the campaign and we were able to help them raise another $10,000 for their advocacy efforts.
We are only able to do this kind of work thanks to our donors. You made this support possible and we would like to thank those that have made small and large donations over the years.
If you'd like to help support libraries across the country, please take a moment and make a donation here.