Lib Politics Rodeo WTF Edition
WTF is the theme of our rodeo today because it has just the right flexibility and expressiveness to help us through this week's news.
WTF is a phrase on all our minds today after President Obama recently appeared on a podcast by the same name. And just like the F word, WTF can be used to describe a wide spectrum of reactions and emotions.
WTF is the theme of our rodeo today because it has just the right flexibility and expressiveness to help us through this week's news.
WTF?! (ugh)
Libraries in Sonoita, Tubac, Rio Rico and Nogales (AZ) have shut their doors to protest the uncertainty surrounding the future funding from Santa Cruz County. To date, the City and the County have split the operations budget, but they have been running without a contract since 2010 and recently the Nogales City Manager has heard rumors that the County has approached another library system. Users have been asked to contact their District supervisors. Computers have been removed from some branches. The six full time and two part-time employees will remain on staff.
WTF?! (inspiring)
Former St. Helena Public Library (CA) Director, Jennifer Baker, shared her thoughts last week on what should happen next for the library in the midst of a city wide revenue crisis. She suggests this is a time for “cool-headed leadership that comes from a place of compassion and engagement to focus on outcome-based, consensus building” and encourages all of the publicly funded institutions to come together around a common set of values. She also places a call to action on the community to step forward and show their support for the library and staff. We at EveryLibrary admire Jennifer’s grace and positivity in this situation and will continue to follow what happens in the St. Helena community.
WTF?! (surprising nudge from the city council to a library)
Eugene Public Library (OR) is preparing information for their City Council on a 5 year, $33 to $37 annual levy to supplement their funding from the city. Due to recent cuts in the General Fund, they were asked by the City Council to present on July 13th and hoping to get it on the ballot for this November. There was a levy in place up until 2011 when the previous council did not let voters decide to renew it. Click through for the Council Agenda or to watch a video recording of the meeting.
Other Happenings
We will be in San Francisco this week for the American Library Association Annual Conference. If you are looking at the scheduler and saying 'WTF?!' as you get overwhelmed, here are some programs you can't miss led by our EveryLibrary Board members.
If your library is on the ballot in the next 2 or 3 years, stop by the UnCommons on Saturday or Sunday at 12:30p or Monday at 1p for a 1/2 hour Drop-In we're hosting. You can learn about the pro-bono support we provide to Information Only communications and to local Vote YES committees.
Brian Hart will be co-facilitating the Libraries Build Communities Information session on Saturday from 10:30 am - 11:30 am. They are looking for your ideas on how Libraries Build Communities can support librarians and library staff in all types of community engagement. Don't miss this chance to start a movement.
Patrick Sweeney and JP Pocaro will be hosting the Ignite Sessions Saturday - Monday from 11:30 - 12 each day. Swing by Moscone Center Room 130 to hear about the most exciting things happening in libraries right now. Patrick Sweeney is also leading a Conversation Starter on Schmoozing for Beginners on Monday morning, 10:30 am - 11:15 am. He will tell you how even introverts can make the most of networking at professional and social events.
Peter Bromberg will be introducing danah boyd, President of Data & Society on Saturday afternoon from 4 - 5:30 pm as the RUSA President's Program speaker. danah boyd will be speaking on digital literacy and big data. How do libraries and our values fit in to this new context?
Mel Gooch will be presenting a session on delivering library instruction in non-traditional ways on Sunday 1 - 2 pm. Through her recent experience on transforming library learning space in the San Francisco Public Library, she will be able to share from the perspective of instruction in Public Libraries.
John Chrastka will be panneling at a session on South by Southwest on Monday from 8:30 - 10am on Monday. He's joining folks like Carson Block, Andrea Davis, Tina Coleman, and Bonnie Tijerina to talk about the individual and organizational take-aways from attending SXSW, as well as the role attendees have in shifting perceptions among the tech community about libraries and librarians.
You are also invited to the EveryLibrary Board Meeting at 3 pm on Friday in the Soluna Cafe an Lounge. We'd love to update you on our 2015 work and welcome your participation and thoughts. Please RSVP on Facebook or send us an email so we can reserve your spot.
If you are saying WTF?! I can't make any of these sessions, don't worry. We will be walking the exhibit floor all weekend and at many of the social events. Please stop us to say hello, ask us for the ROI on your donation, give us a high five, or ask us WTF?! Hope to see you there.
That is all for this week. We will be off next week moseying around in San Francisco, but back on July 7. Happy trails!