Last Tuesday was a great Election Day for our Libraries!
Last Tuesday was a great Election Day for the libraries we supported who were going to the voters this election day. Four out of four of these campaigns passed their ballot measures!
Last Tuesday was a great Election Day for the libraries we supported who were going to the voters this election day. Four out of four of these campaigns passed their ballot measures!
Because of our donors, we were able to provide pro-bono campaign consulting, tools, resources, funding to help those libraries win.
The highlight for me is the creation of the new Southwest La Plata County Library District near Durango, CO. We worked closely with the campaign team during the petition process and up through Election Day. They had to go to the ballot because the county commission cut off funding for their two community libraries. Without establishing a new district, the libraries would have closed. I’m most proud that we were the first donor to their Vote Yes campaign. One of EveryLibrary’s unique strengths is our ability to “bundle up” your donations from around the country and give larger donations to small library campaigns like this.
I’m very proud of our pro-bono support for the Pine River Library District, the Eagle Valley Library District, and the Pueblo City-County Library too. I’m impressed with the Pine River team re-engaging their community in a new way to turn around their loss on the 2018 Midterms. I was able to visit Pueblo in person for coalition trainings with the staff and board. They did an amazing job talking with every part of their community. And I’m glad that the Eagle Valley team reached out and quickly put our campaign practices to work for their wins.
As we have since our first campaign seven years ago, all of our support for these libraries was given for free and pro-bono. We do that because there shouldn’t be any barriers for a community like Southwest La Plata County to succeed at getting the library they deserve. We work with – and for – each library pro-bono because we believe that any library ballot measure anywhere should matter to every library everywhere.
Your donations helped ensure that four communities have the library services they need to grow, thrive and prosper.
Our donors make this all possible. If you believe like we do that every one of these libraries matter, please donate today. The average personal donation to EveryLibrary is $48.50 a year. Your $25 dollar donation – either one time or monthly – will let us help more libraries pass their ballot measures and secure the funding they need to serve their communities.
Thanks for helping us help them, together.
John Chrastka
Executive Director