Join National Disability Voter Registration Week 2017
EveryLibrary is proud to announce a new partnership with the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) to bring National Disability Voter Registration Week 2017 to libraries across the country.
EveryLibrary is proud to announce a new partnership with the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) to bring National Disability Voter Registration Week 2017 to libraries across the country.
Libraries in over 40 states have signed on to promote the goals the July 17 -21, 2017 National Disability Voter Registration Week (NDVRW) through programming, outreach, public education, and voter registration partnerships or on-site services. NDVRW 2017 is AAPD's second annual program to make voter registration services for people with disabilities easier and more pervasive.
Your library can become a participant site for NDVRW 2017. Please add your library to this list by signing up today at our Action site. All partner libraries will receive a free digital resource kit to promote NDVRW 2017 in their communities.
EveryLibrary is joining NDVRW 2017 to bring libraries across the country into this new partnership to reach all Americans who are eligible to vote. NDVRW supports voter enfranchisement and registering to vote while highlighting issues like accessible ballots, accessible polling places, and policy issues affecting disability communities. AAPD's REV UP Campaign coordinates NDVRW each year to increase the political power of people with disabilities while also engaging candidates and the media to recognize the disability community.
In 2017, one of EveryLibrary's Coalitions and Partnership goals is to promote and expand voter registration through libraries. We want to help educate the public through libraries about voter rights and to work to protect the integrity of local elections. We believe that access to the ballot is a fundamental part of American society. Libraries have a key role in registering people to vote and voter education. We are excited and proud to partner with AAPD on National Disability Voter Registration Week 2017.
Libraries in 48 states are signed on to help bring NDVRW to their communities! To see the full list of participating libraries and to sign your library up today to support National Disability Voter Registration Week this July 17 -21, 2017, visit the RSVP page today!
Help us ensure we can continue this important work with a $5-25 a month contribution