EveryLibrary Statement on Louisiana HB777, the Anti-ALA Bill
If Louisiana librarians join the American Library Association they could be arrested and spend two years in jail.
EveryLibrary strongly opposes Louisiana House Bill 777.
This legislation undermines the fundamental American principles of free association and the right to assemble and violates the constitutional rights guaranteed to every citizen. It aims to prohibit public officials and employees from using public funds in any dealings with the American Library Association (ALA), thereby restricting opportunities for professional development and access to a vital network of resources and support. Additionally, it proposes severe punitive measures, including fines and imprisonment, for those seeking to engage with or benefit from the ALA's offerings, which are disproportionate and a violation of our fundamental freedoms.
Sign the petition against Louisiana HB777
Legislating against a membership organization based on viewpoint is unconstitutional and unacceptable. It violates the principle of free association, a cherished and protected right in our democracy. Penalizing individuals for joining or participating in the activities of a professional organization like the ALA, which enhances the professional growth of librarians and improves the services libraries provide to the public, goes against the values of free thought, inquiry, and the collective improvement of our society.
The proposed methods of enforcement in the bill, like imposing fines and jail time for engaging in professional development activities, are draconian and unprecedented in the context of professional association membership. EveryLibrary urges the Louisiana Legislature to recognize the severe implications of the proposed Louisiana House Bill 777 and reject it outright. Legislation that threatens the professional development of librarians, the operational excellence of libraries, and, most importantly, the constitutional rights of individuals has no place in our legal system or society.
EveryLibrary has no association with ALA nor is EveryLibrary an Affiliate of ALA. But we cannot stand by as our colleagues in the library ecosystem are targeted by activist legislators. Our mission compels us to advocate for the rights and professional development of all library and information professionals, regardless of their affiliations. The attack on the profession of librarianship in HB777 is an attack on the foundational principles that allow all professional organizations to function and contribute to the growth and betterment of their communities. In standing against this bill, we stand in solidarity with our colleagues, affirming our commitment to a free, inclusive, and unimpeded pursuit of professional excellence and public service.