Good Bills We’re Following this Session
At EveryLibrary we don’t just pay attention to the bills that harm our industry; we also track and support the good ones. Legislators across the country have filed bills promoting digital equity and media literacy programs. We support legislation that will increase access to technology and help students learn how to critically consume media.
Structure and Funding of Libraries
HB4092 Amends the State Library Act
Summary: Will help bring great equity to residents served by local libraries with fewer resources
Status: 5/25/21 Referred to Rules Committee
SB9 Relating to early literacy education, making an appropriation
Summary: Among other provisions, establish and define the Read to Succeed Fund which provides support for training of literacy coaches and school librarians; designate the Act as the "Read to Succeed Act".
Status: Signed by Governor into law 3/29/22
HB1667 / SB 1784 Creates a Tennessee state library coordinator position within the department; establishes the duties of the Tennessee state library coordinator.
Status: Signed into law by Governor 5/25/22
Requiring School Librarians / Ratio Bills
In 2021, the Michigan legislature considered a suite of three interconnected bills which address certified school librarians, support staff, and program standards.
HB 4663 (2021): Requires a school district board to employ at least one certified media specialist for each school library operated by that district beginning in the 2021-2022 school year. (Rep. Camilleri)
House Bill 4664 (2021): Requires every public school in Michigan to offer a library beginning in the 2021-2022 school year that meets certain criteria. (Rep. Koleszar)
- HB 4665 (2021): Requires a principal or other appropriate administrator to designate an individual to supervise students in a school library when a certified media specialist is not present. (Rep. O’Neal)
New Jersey
SB1903 Requires certain ratios of school library media specialists to students in public schools.
Status: Introduced 3/3/22
New York
A6153/S8213 An act to amend the education law, in relation to requiring teachers and library media specialists to complete professional development related to media literacy education
Summary: Incorporates professional media literacy training for teachers
Status: Assembly bill: 1/5/22 Referred to Education, Senate bill: 2/2/22 Referred to Education
A6225/S8212 An act to amend the education law, in relation to requiring a school library media specialist in each elementary, intermediate, middle, junior high and senior high school
Summary: Requires schools to have a library media specialist to help students learn media literacy skills
Status: Assembly bill: 1/5/22 Referred to Education, Senate bill: 2/2/22 Referred to Libraries
House Bill 1168 - One Certified Librarian per Public School Building Co-Sponsorship Request
Digital Equity
SB767 Educational technology: Digital Education Equity Program: regional consortia: State Digital Equity Plan.
Summary: Provides statewide educational technology services that address local needs. Requires local educational agencies to adopt technology equity plans
Status: 8/26/21 Hearing
HF1856/SF1477 A bill for an act relating to education; providing for school libraries and media centers; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 124D.
Summary: School districts must ensure students have equitable and free access to libraries or school library media centers. Requires school districts to employ media specialist or licensed librarians to provide instruction to students.
Status: 3/4/21 Referred to Education Policy Committee
Media Literacy
AB2064 Pupil instruction: media literacy: resources
Summary: requires the State Department of Education to provide resources and instructional materials on media literacy and media literacy professional development programs for teachers.
Status: 3/17/22 may be heard in committee
SB195 An act To Amend Title 14 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Media Literacy
Summary: States that media literacy is crucial for students to make safe decisions regarding social media and informed civic decisions. Requires the Dept. of Education to develop and maintain media literacy standards for kindergarten through grade 12.
Status: 1/26/22 Reported Out of Committee (Education) in House with 4 Favorable, 8 On Its Merits
SB362 A bill for an act relating to education
Summary: Students in grades kindergarten through grade 12 should be educated in media literacy. Requires the Dept. of Education to establish an advisory committee to make recommendations regarding media literacy. Includes librarians.
Status: 12/10/21 Carried over to 2022 Regular Session
SB2214 A bill for an act relating to digital literacy
Summary: Finds that guidance and knowledge on the use of digital media is lacking and that digital literacy skills are crucial. Establishes a digital literacy program to be administered by the board of education through the state librarian.
Status: 2/9/22 Report adopted; Passed Second Reading, as amended and referred to Ways and Means
H688 An act relative to media literacy in public schools
Summary: Creates a Media Literacy Advisory Council and requires the Dept. of Education to incorporate media literacy into kindergarten through grade 12 education based on the recommendations of the council.
Status: 9/13/21 Hearing
S302 An act relative to media literacy
Summary: Requires schools to help students develop skills to evaluate written and digital media.
Status: 9/13/21 hearing
HB4463 A bill to amend 1976 PA 451, entitled “The revised school code,”
Summary: Requires schools to have a library media specialist to help students learn media literacy skills
Status: 4/20/21 referred to Committee on Education
New Jersey
S588 An act concerning public school instruction on information 2 literacy and supplementing chapters 26 and 35 of Title 18A of 3 the New Jersey Statutes
Summary: Requires school districts to incorporate instruction on information literacy into the curriculum in grades kindergarten through 12.
Status: 1/11/22 Referred to Education Committee
New Mexico
SB195 An act making an appropriation to the public education department for the expansion of a statewide media literacy program in public schools.
Summary: Expands a statewide media literacy program in public schools for the 2022-2023 school year.
Status: 2/4/22 Reported by committee with Do Pass recommendation
New York
A209 An act to direct the commissioner of education to appoint a media literacy advisory committee to study the teaching of media literacy; and to amend the education law, in relation to creating a media literacy advisory committee to annually review policy and procedures on media literacy
Summary: Creates a media advisory committee to establish best practices for teaching media literacy in public schools.
Status: 1/5/22 Referred to Education Committee
A468 An act to amend the education law, in relation to requiring the department of education to provide school districts with a list of resources and instructional materials on media literacy
Summary: requires the State Department of Education to provide resources and instructional materials on media literacy and media literacy professional development programs for teachers.
Status: 1/5/22 Referred to Education Committee
A6142/S8214 An act to direct the commissioner of education to appoint a media literacy advisory group to study the teaching of media literacy
Summary: Directs the commissioner of education to appoint a media literacy advisory group to study the teaching of media literacy and to establish links to recommended successful practices and resources to support media literacy
Status: Assembly bill: 1/5/22 Referred to Education Committee, Senate bill: 2/2/22 Referred to Libraries
A8222/S8215 An act to amend the education law, in relation to creating a set of media literacy standards for students in grades kindergarten through twelve
Summary: Requires school districts to incorporate instruction on information literacy into the curriculum in grades kindergarten through 12.
Status: Assembly bill: 1/5/22 Referred to Education, Senate bill: 2/2/22 Referred to Education
HB4317 An Act relating to schools; directing the State Board of Education to adopt standards and guidelines for school libraries; prohibiting use of certain standards; listing minimum standards and guidelines; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.
Summary: The State Board of Education shall adopt the Oklahoma Information Literacy Standards to help students develop critical thinking skills
Status: 2/8/22 Referred to Common Education
SB1640 directs each school district library in the state to provide an effective library media program with a balanced collection of print materials, nonprint materials, multimedia resources, and equipment and supplies. It directs each school district board of education to adopt and post on the district’s website a comprehensive written policy that guides selection, deselection, and reconsideration of library media materials. The measure directs school district library, media center, media materials, equipment, and related school staff to be available to students and staff throughout the school day.
Status: Introduced 2/7/22
HB906 An act relating to the public school system, including certain provisions applicable as well to private and parochial schools; amending, revising, consolidating and changing the laws relating thereto, in terms and courses of study, providing for media literacy education
Summary: Develops media literacy curriculum for kindergarten through grade 12 to develop critical thinking skills.
Status: 3/15/21 Referred to Education Committee
South Carolina
H3332 Critical thinking and media literacy skills
Summary: Adds critical thinking and media literacy skills to public school education
Status: 1/12/21 Referred to Committee on Education and Public Works
HB1026 Digital Citizenship, Internet Safety, and Media Literacy Advisory Council; established, sunset date.
Summary: Creates a Media Literacy Advisory Council and requires the Dept. of Education to incorporate media literacy education based on the recommendations of the council.
Status: 2/11/22 Passed in the House, crossed over to the Senate
SB5242 An act relating to supporting media literacy and digital citizenship; adding new sections to chapter 28A.300 RCW; and providing expiration dates.
Summary: Creates a grant program for supporting media literacy in public schools.
Status: 1/10/22 By resolution, reintroduced and retained in present status.
Senate Rules "X" file.