EveryLibrary’s Conversation Starters at ALA San Francisco
We want to take a minute and ask you to vote for these conversation starters at ALA in San Francisco. We submitted these to share what we’ve learned on the campaign trail and to help libraries learn about what they can start doing today to win elections years from now
We want to take a minute and ask you to vote for these conversation starters at ALA in San Francisco.
We submitted these to share what we’ve learned on the campaign trail and to help libraries learn about what they can start doing today to win elections years from now. Our SuperPAC Hacks for your Library will teach you a wide array of skills that will help you ensure that your library remains well funded for years to come. PC Sweeney is also presenting an interactive conversation starter on Professional Networking and Schmoozing based on his recent article in Library Journal. If you want to learn how to engage your peers and colleagues or build rapport with members of your community, you’re going to need to learn to schmooze!
SuperPAC Advocacy Hacks for your Library
Ever wonder why the nation’s largest SuperPACs are so successful at political advocacy? These organizations are well funded, well supported, and are able to convince thousands of Americans to take action to further their agenda. But what if libraries could use the tools, tips, and tricks used by these organizations to support libraries? In this session, the folks from EveryLibrary (the nation’s first and only PAC for libraries) will share what they’ve learned from national PACs and through their political action activities in support of libraries.
Schmoozing for Beginners
Professional networking and schmoozing are two of the most important skills a librarian can have. They are not taught in MLIS programs, and being proficient at both was one of the hardest lessons I had to learn. In order to get the projects done in my community that I was passionate about, move my library forward, and garner political support, I realized that I needed to take advantage of the many professional and political social opportunities going on around me. This presentation shares many of the tips and tricks that I’ve learned that have been successful for me.