EveryLibrary at BEA – Publishers Weekly Coverage
Great coverage in Publishers Weekly about EveryLibrary's time at Book Expo 2013 working building awareness and funding about our mission in support of libraries at the ballot box.
Great coverage in Publishers Weekly about EveryLibrary's time at Book Expo 2013 working building awareness and funding about our mission in support of libraries at the ballot box.
During BEA, we met with several key trade and educational publishers who recognize that library funding for collections is essential to the publishing ecosystem. As reported below, we even had a check cut on the exhibit show floor! We can't express our thanks enough to Francine Fialkoff for helping to make these meetings happen.
EveryLibrary Works to Help Libraries Raise Funding
By Calvin Reid | Jun 28, 2013
“We had great meetings at BEA,” [Chrastka] said noting that he met with about a dozen publishers and one of them—the publisher asked to remain anonymous—immediately wrote a check that would cover the entire costs of providing political support and training to the Hot Springs library in question. The other, unnamed library is facing a levy renewal, Chrastka said, that will provide funding for the libraries continued operation. EveryLibrary is also on the lookout for “anti-tax lobbies,” in these local elections that can disrupt library funding.
These are ongoing conversations and we'll keep you posted. Thanks to Calvin Reed who took the time to really talk about the issues and our efforts.