EveryLibrary Advocacy Brunch in Northern CA

Libraries are fighting for funding all across the country through levies, referendum, bonds, and tax measures. Finally, there's an organization that is helping them win that fight and help libraries campaign for better resources. But, we can't win this without you!

Libraries are fighting for funding all across the country through levies, referendum, bonds, and tax measures.

Finally, there's an organization that is helping them win that fight and help libraries campaign for better resources. But, we can't win this without you!Come join EveryLibrary at the beautiful Coyote Point Yacht Club on August 18th for a mimosa brunch and fundraiser. This fundraiser will host sailboat rides in the beautiful South San Francisco Bay, a raffle, mimosas, and an all you can eat Waffle Bar. This event will also feature a talk on politics and Libraries by the Executive Director of EveryLibrary John Chrastka and you will gain a chance to learn about how EveryLibrary is fighting for Libraries around the country.

This brunch is an opportunity to gain the resources we need and an opportunity for you to hear about what we are doing to win at the ballot box. Get your tickets now and show your support for libraries across the country and the ones in your backyard.

Tickets are available at www.everylibrary.eventbrite.com

If you can't make it to this event, you can still help EveryLibrary win for libraries at the Ballot Box by donating here-
