- I’m on #TeamInternet! That’s why I’m joining the library teach-in on Net Neutrality. http://wp.me/p44bvU-3f #teachtheweb
- Join library teach-in on Net Neutrality. Let’s educate, empower, organize and win. #TeamInternet http://wp.me/p44bvU-3f #teachtheweb
- The internet is under attack. Join our library teach-in to preserve Net Neutrality. #TeamInternet http://wp.me/p44bvU-3f #teachtheweb
EveryLibrary Partners with Mozilla for Net Neutrality
In case you haven’t heard, the open Internet’s founding principle is under attack. Policymakers in the U.S. are considering rules that would erase “Net Neutrality,” the principle that all data on the Internet should be treated equally. If these rule changes go through, many fear it will create a “two-tier” Internet, where monopolies are able to charge huge fees for special “fast lanes” while everyone else gets the slow lane. This would threaten the very openness, level playing field, and innovation that make the web great — not only in the U.S. but around the world.
Using the open web to save the open web
This is a crucial moment that will affect the open web’s future. But not enough people know about it or understand what’s at stake. Net Neutrality’s opponents are banking on the fact that Net Neutrality is so “geeky,” complex, and hard to explain that people just won’t care. That’s why Mozilla and EveryLibrary are inviting you to join us and other Internet Freedom organizations to educate, empower, organize and win.
Local “teach-ins” around the world…
Join EveryLibrary and the global Mozilla community and our partners to host a series of Internet Freedom “teach-ins” around the world. Beginning Aug 4th, we’re offering free training to help empower local organizers, activists and people like you. Together we’ll share best practices for explaining what Net Neutrality is, why it matters to your local community, and how we can protect it together. Then we’ll help local organizers like you host local events and teach-ins around the world, sharing tools and increasing our impact together. In addition to increasing awareness of the importance of Net Neutrality, the teach-ins will also allow participants to have an impact by taking immediate action. Imagine hundreds of videos in support of #TeamInternet and Net Neutrality, thousands of letters to the editor, and thousands of new signatures on Mozilla’s petition. EveryLibrary and EveryLibrary California will be joining partners besides Mozilla like Reddit, Free Press, OpenMedia, IMLS / ALA, Media Alliance, and Engine Advocacy in order to educate the public about Net Neutrality and what it means.
Get involved
1) Host an event. Ready to get started? Host a local meet-up or teach-in on Net Neutrality in your community. Mozilla’s Maker Party event guides and platform make it easy. They even have a special guide for a 1 hour Net Neutrality Maker Party.
2) Get free training and help. Need a little help? You’ll learn everything you need to know. From free resources and best practices for talking about Net Neutrality to nuts and bolts logistics and organizing. The free and open online training begins Monday, Aug 4th. All are welcome, no experience necessary. You’ll leave the training armed with everything you need to host your own local teach-in. Or just better explain the issue to friends and family.
3) Use our new Net Neutrality toolkit. Our new Net Neutrality teaching kit makes it easy for educators and activists to explain the issue and empower others. We’re gathering lots more resources here.
4) Spread the word. Here are some example tweets you can use: