Ballot Watch 2024: Libraries, Funding, and Voter Impact

For over a decade, EveryLibrary has been a trusted partner in supporting library campaigns at the ballot box, offering strategic guidance and voter engagement to ensure library funding remains a priority.

As we approach the November 2024 election, voters across the country are faced with critical decisions that will shape the future of public libraries. From local millage increases to statewide funding initiatives, ballot measures will determine whether libraries can continue to provide vital services to their communities.

This year, the stakes are higher than ever. In states like Ohio, Michigan, Nevada, and Missouri, local ballot measures could either secure or jeopardize the future of public libraries. In Utah, Kentucky, and North Dakota, statewide tax and education measures would radically alter the way that communities and education are funded. With over 5,800 state legislative seats and thousands of school board races on the ballot, the outcome of these elections will have a direct impact on library services and funding. 

As advocates for the freedom to read and access information, we believe it’s essential for voters to be informed about these critical measures and understand how their vote can directly impact their community’s libraries. We are actively engaged as the only national political action committee for libraries in pivotal ballot measures that could define the future of library funding and the importance of voter engagement in this election.

Ballot Measures: Securing Library Funding

Since our founding in 2012, EveryLibrary has been at the forefront of supporting libraries at the ballot box. What makes EveryLibrary unique is our ability to work directly with library staff, elected and appointed leadership, and local citizen groups to plan and execute effective Information Only campaigns. In addition, we actively engage with local ballot committees and help Get Out the Vote (GOTV) efforts to increase voter engagement for library funding measures. Our approach is comprehensive, offering pro-bono support to 138 library communities, with a record of 106 wins and 32 losses since our inception.

Through these efforts, we’ve helped secure over $2.8 billion in stable annual tax revenue, ensuring that libraries across the country can maintain operations, upgrade facilities, and expand their services. These campaigns often center around millages, bond measures, or levies that directly impact library staffing, collections, programming, and even facility improvements.

In the November 2024 election, we are once again stepping up to support libraries at the local and statewide levels. This election is critical, with several important ballot measures that could determine the future of library funding in key communities. EveryLibrary is providing strategic guidance, voter engagement, and GOTV support to ensure these measures succeed.

  • Michigan: West Bloomfield Township Public Library - Voters will decide on a repeal and replacement millage, increasing the rate from 0.6586 to 0.70. This funding will ensure continued library services and improvements.
  • Ohio: Marysville Public Library - The Levy Replacement on the ballot will allow the library to maintain its current level of services without increasing taxes.
  • Illinois: Rochester Public Library District - Voters will decide on a 0.42% levy increase in the property tax rate, which is essential for sustaining and expanding library services.
  • Missouri: Marshall Public Library - A proposal for a 1/4 one-cent sales tax is on the ballot to support the library's ongoing operations and future growth.
  • Montana: Livingston Park County Library - Voters will consider a levy increase from 5.5 mills to 16.25 mills, ensuring the library has the funding it needs to serve the community effectively.
  • Nevada: Washoe County Library - This important measure will determine whether the current library levy is renewed for another 30 years, providing long-term stability for the county’s library system.

As we gear up for Election Night 2024, we invite everyone who is following the results to join us for a virtual #LibraryWatchParty. We'll be live on Twitter, Threads, Instagram, and Facebook, reporting in real-time on all the key library ballot measures across the country. This is your chance to stay updated as results roll in for library elections at the local, state, and national levels. Stay tuned in and join the conversation at #LibraryWatchParty on your favorite social media platform.

Endorsements and Opposition to Statewide Ballot Measures

As a 501(c)(4) organization, EveryLibrary can take strong stances on important issues without violating our nonpartisan status. Our endorsements and opposition statements are made after careful consideration. We are guided by how these ballot measures directly affect public libraries, school funding, and the broader educational infrastructure.

We believe that these measures will have a lasting impact on libraries' accessibility, funding, and roles in supporting communities and education. When ballot measures undermine or strengthen this mission, we feel it is our responsibility to inform voters and take a stand.

Support on the November 2024 Statewide Ballot:

  • California Prop 5 - We endorse this measure, which lowers the supermajority requirement for local bond measures from 66.67% to 55%, making it easier for communities to pass library and education funding initiatives.
  • New Mexico GOBonds for Libraries - We endorse this biennial statewide aid bond, which provides funding for public, school, tribal, and academic libraries, ensuring libraries across the state have the resources they need to serve their communities.

Oppose on the November 2024 Statewide Ballot:

  • Kentucky Amendment 2 - We oppose this amendment, which diverts public education funding to charter schools, threatening the stability of public school and library funding.
  • Utah Amendment A - We oppose this proposed change to the funding formula for education, which would negatively impact school libraries by undermining stable funding sources.
  • North Dakota Measure 4 - We strongly oppose this measure, which would end local property taxes that fund public libraries, jeopardizing the future of library services in communities across the state.

Candidate Surveys 

EveryLibrary, through our Libraries2024 initiative, helped state partners conduct candidate surveys for both the primary and general elections. These candidate surveys were created to inform both candidates and voters about the importance of voting for libraries in the upcoming election. The results in each of these states highlight the importance of libraries and recognize that book bans and censorship will be key issues in the lead-up to the election. This is further emphasized when analyzing political challenges like Project 2025, which is working to further dismantle the American education system and democratic ideals. 

Texas School Board Primary Election Candidate Survey: The Texas School Board Primary Candidate Survey asked candidates in the 150 most populous school districts their views on school library issues ahead of the election. The results revealed divisions among candidates, especially around book bans, censorship, and the role of libraries in education. Despite differing opinions, the respondents generally agreed on the importance of school libraries and parental rights in determining their own children’s education. 

Massachusetts State Legislative Primary Election Candidate Survey: The Massachusetts State Legislative candidate survey asked state-level candidates about their support for libraries. The responses revealed support for diverse collections in public libraries, constitutional protections against the removal of library books, and the importance of book bans and censorship as critical issues ahead of the election. Candidates also agreed that the state needs to provide additional funding for public and school libraries.

Delaware Statewide Primary Election Candidate Survey: The statewide candidate survey for the Delaware primary election surveyed state legislative and county-level candidates on library issues. Respondents expressed the importance of certified school librarians for student success, support for additional funding for public libraries - including an increase to align with bond bill funding - to ensure that libraries can meet public needs, and the significance of library literacy programs. 

Chicago Public Schools General Election Candidate Survey: This November, Chicago will hold its first ever election for the city’s school board. Voters will be able to elect 10 out of 21 of the school board members. The Chicago Public Schools candidate survey asked respondents about school library issues across the city. With a 52% response rate, candidates expressed overwhelming support for funding libraries and recognized the importance of school libraries for the well-being of students. 

Arkansas Statewide Candidate Survey: This two-part survey asked state-level candidates in both the primary and general elections about their views on library issues. Despite legislative efforts to take away funding from libraries across the state, our survey revealed that candidates recognize the importance of funding libraries and promoting, aiding, and equalizing public library services in Arkansas.

Wyoming Statewide General Election Candidate Survey: The Wyoming candidate survey asked state legislative candidates about issues facing public and school libraries, including the impact of book bans and censorship across the state. The candidates expressed strong support for public librarians developing collections using their professional knowledge, the importance of school libraries for student development, and the concern over recent book challenges that have led to the banning of books.

These survey results not only show the importance of libraries for local communities and students but also emphasize the importance of voting in next month’s election to safeguard and protect the very purpose of libraries.

Libraries exist to promote democracy by serving every member of the public and providing access to free information. When you cast your vote on Election Day, you can ensure that all libraries are protected against partisanship. Start by checking your voter registration status: