Awesome Little Library Boxes at SxSWI

The library crew is trying something new at South by SouthWest Interactive (SxSWi) this year that will dramatically demonstrate how libraries are e-content providers while still serving up good old books.

  1. #1 - find a pedicab at SxSWi branded for Oreo cookies.
    #2 - turn on your wifi and download free e-books from a LibraryBox.
    #3 - take a book / leave a book.  Old school.
    #4 - talk about the Awesome Little Library you visited at your next session, party, or hangout.

    Free ebooks over wifi and good old regular books from a lending library.
    Free ebooks over wifi and good old regular books from a lending library.

The library crew is trying something new at South by SouthWest Interactive (SxSWi) this year that will dramatically demonstrate how libraries are e-content providers while still serving up good old books.  This weekend, we’re hosting several Awesome Little Library Boxes with free ebooks over wifi via LibraryBoxen along with a rotating collection of paperbacks in free little libraries. We’ve built a few Awesome Boxes to be standalone around the SxSW area.  We’ve got a bunch set up to ride on the backs of pedicabs we've rented for the duration of Interactive.  So, when you need a ride around SxSWi, check for the pedicabs with the Oreo branding.  In a happy promotional accident, these pedicabs have free ebooks and books via the sxswLAM = Librar* + Archiv* + Museum* library crew AND free cookies courtesy of Oreo.


Get on the Oreo pedicab and download some free ebooks via LibraryBoxen
Get on the Oreo pedicab and download some free ebooks via LibraryBoxen

These Awesome Little Library Boxes are a way to show off the amazing impact of library participation at Interactive over the past few years. This year we're pulling out all the stops to engage Interactive attendees in discussions about how Libraries are the Ultimate Playground.  EveryLibrary is at SxSWi to talk about how libraries support startups, are staffed by early adopters, train late cycle adopters in new tech, gear, and gadgets, and connect communities with ideas, services, and resources.  That, and the chance to do some fundraising.



Courtesy Jason Griffey. Courtesy Jason Griffey.

EveryLibrary is grateful for the $1,000 in donations that have come in this week from people all around the library community to fund this project and the early support from the Digital Public Library of America and our friends at Electronic Resources & Libraries (ER&L). Without their vision, we would lack LibraryBoxen and e-books.  Without your donations, we’d be pedicab-less.

Follow @everylibrary and the @ERandL #ideadrop house for library news and events from all around SxSWi this weekend.