
EveryLibrary helps public, school, and college libraries win funding at the ballot box, ensuring stable funding and access to libraries for generations to come. We also support grassroots groups across the country defend and support their local library against book banning, illicit political interference, and threats of closure.

EveryLibrary's Real World Impact


Through this organizing platform and pro bono coaching and consulting, EveryLibrary is supporting local public library and school library Alliances across the country who are doing the vital grassroots work in their local communities to ensure books remain on shelves, librarians’ jobs are preserved, and libraries are free from political interference. Fight for the First has been incredibly successful in turning around book bans in places like Glen Ridge, NJ., Forsyth County (GA) Schools, and Douglas County, CO. So far, EveryLibrary has supported over 100 grassroots campaigns and helped over 90,000 people take action to support the right to read in their local communities. Each campaign has a budget of between $250 and $1000 for local advertising and activism. There are more fights to come and EveryLibrary needs support to do it. 

"Our county board elections were yesterday. We are very pleased. Most of our recommended candidates won and the egregious book banners lost big. Thank you for your guidance.  You helped save another community."  -Beth M., Wisconsin


EveryLibrary does more than track and report on anti-library legislation. We provide direct support to dozens state library associations from Maine to Arkansas to Wyoming to defeat bad bills and build statewide pro-library coalitions.  In partnership with EveryLibrary Institute, we develop and promote pro-library model legislation such as the Model Libraries for All Act, which has informed a fresh new approach to embedding state anti-discrimination laws into public library policies and practices through new legislation. The model "Libraries for All Act" would provide new statutory underpinnings for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) practices in public libraries. Our state library associations need this kind of sophisticated help and assistance more than ever. 


Through petitions, events, and engaging social media, EveryLibrary has identified hundreds of thousands of Americans just like you who are activated to support libraries. Every day we identify, cultivate, and empower new people who care and are willing to take action to support libraries and librarians. 


We offer pro bono consulting and support, working directly on local library funding campaigns  for both public libraries and school libraries. We have helped libraries across America win over 2.8 billion in stable tax revenue

Coalition Work

EveryLibrary is a non-partisan, pro-library organization with an alignment toward sustaining libraries as they evolve and grow in the 21st century. EveryLibrary is a coalition partner with other organizations, associations, and nonprofits that seek to support libraries through public awareness and advocacy. We are dedicated to working in coalition with other national and state-level library, museum, and archives stakeholder organizations. We are ready to stand alongside and in support of other national organizations and bring our network of Americans to these coalitions.

Pro Bono Consulting

All our consulting services for libraries - and for Vote Yes committees - are offered pro-bono and without any chargebacks, fees, or other back-end financial arrangements. All of our work with school librarians in crisis is likewise pro-bono. When we need to travel to a community, local libraries - sometimes through the local Friends or Foundations - reimburse actual travel expenses so our pro-bono consulting work goes farther. Our donor support allows us to waive travel costs for library communities that can’t afford it.

How You Can Help

We welcome your donation to support our pro bono work on behalf of libraries [Donate Today]. EveryLibrary puts donor funding to work in four ways: supporting grassroots groups organized to defend their local libraries from book banning and threats of closure; directly on local library funding campaigns - for both public libraries and school libraries; on building our national reach as an advocacy organization for libraries; and on staff and projects that run the organization. As the only national 501(c)4 for libraries, we are able to “bundle” small donations from around the country and send it to local Vote Yes committees where it’s needed.

What are Donations Used For?

Donations are used to help grassroots groups working to support their libraries facing threats of book bans, firings, or defunding as well as for voter awareness campaigns and helping local library ballot committees win at election time. We dedicate a portion of each contribution to actively reach the American public and local stakeholders through paid social media advertising. EveryLibrary uses a small portion of contributions to cover overhead, staffing, and development or acquisition of voter awareness tools and campaign materials. Donations by individuals, corporations, and unions to EveryLibrary are not generally tax-deductible but may be under certain circumstances. Please consult your tax advisor for more information. 

Will My Donation be Made Public?

As a 501(c)4 organization, EveryLibrary is not required to disclose the names of donors or amounts of contributions that further its mission and purpose of advocating for library ballot initiatives. However, EveryLibrary enables donors to self-disclose their intent or amount of support when contributing or pledging. All records that are required to be maintained for IRS reporting are done so in full compliance with the law and regulation.